Down the rabbit hole

In the depths of a tempestuous mind, Where light and darkness intertwine, Resides a soul with emotions wide, Bipolar’s dance, a turbulent tide. Oh, the confusion that does ensue, As moods transform from high to blue, A pendulum swings, erratic and wild, Leaving me lost, quivering like a bewildered child. One moment, a sunlit skyContinue reading “Down the rabbit hole”

Navigating my bipolar

In the realm where emotions clash and spin, Where light and darkness intertwine within, There resides a storm, a tempest so deep, A turbulent sea where confusion runs deep. Bipolar, the name whispered in hushed tone, A dance of extremes, the mind does condone, One moment in sunlight, the next in the rain, A rollercoasterContinue reading “Navigating my bipolar”

One sentence, one moment, one big unravelling

My Saturday day was rather average. It comprised of a day trip to visit family and walking the valleys while being reenergised from the fresh air and idyllic Welsh scenery. During drive to the country side I was messaging my lover to pass the time. I thought things between us was heating up and gettingContinue reading “One sentence, one moment, one big unravelling”

My bipolar episode

Murky thoughts swim against the tide Drowning in a dark whirlpool of ideas and illusions What is fantasy when reality is never clear Salty oceans sting the wounds of self destruction While the holy water purifiers my soul Moments of both tangled emotions purge extremes Confused what it all means The mist vaporous energy raisesContinue reading “My bipolar episode”